Toolkit: C#, Avalonia
A tool made for modding Unreal Engine games, UnrealLocresEditor is an open-source GUI
application that
allows the user to modify a game's localisation files, changing the text a game displays, or
translations for a game.
Toolkit: Docker, Discord.JS, Redis, Express
DankRPG was an open-source Discord RPG and economy bot, with
an in-depth
fight system, duel system, 50+ commands, 60+ items, 100+ servers, automated events and
quests. All code
was contributed by me.
Toolkit: Tailwind, Docsify, Bootstrap
I have made multiple websites for my own projects, all open-source on Github. I also wrote
documentation in the past, alongside working with Docker, Uptime-Kuma, and Ubuntu.
My recent scrobbles